torsdag 20. mai 2010

Long Time No Update

You might not have noticed, but it's been some time since I updated - no it's true, it really is. I've received plenty of angry, desperate and sad e-mails from fans begging, threatening and bribing me to write more. Are you really that interested in my life and what I do?

... no wait, that was a dream. I guess you aren't.

Oh well, whatever.


I did promise myself a long time ago that my blog wouldn't be one of those that end after twelve updates, or is regularly inactive for months at a time. At the same time, I promised myself that I wouldn't take this too seriously, just using it to have a bit of fun and push my opinions and thoughts on hapless strangers lost in the labyrinthine passages of the blogosphere. Needless to say, my selves are all in riot for how this is going to work. I'm glad we're all friends. I mean, all my selves.

As many of you know (technically, even if ALL of you knew, you could still hardly be called "many") I've been in the army, doing my required military service. Truth is, while all male Norwegians are supposed to serve at least one year in the armed forces, only a fraction are called in these days. It's a mix of politics and economics.

My initial plan was to update after the end of the recruit period, when we were granted internet access in the barracks, however lousy it was. This would coincide with my 20th birthday, so that would make a great occasion to update.

That did not happen.

It's now been four months of undocumented military service, and a lifeless blog. I say that this must be remedied.

Without giving too much away, I'll talk a bit about where I serve, and what I do.

This is the emblem of the Norwegian 2nd Battalion, comprised mainly of mechanized infantry. It is, together with the Armoured Battalion and the Telemark Battalion, one of three maneuver units intended for conventional, open warafare. As such, it is considered a part of the speartip of the Norwegian Army.

Training in the 2nd Battalion is intended to be as close to realistic as possible. Soldiers learn not only the basics of individual, squad-, platoon-, company- and battalion-based warfare over the course of a year, but also how to survive in the unforgiving environment that the north of Norway provides. As the battalion has its recruitment period during winter, this is particularly vital. Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion are expected to "survive to fight," not "fight to survive."

The battalion has had several international missions; in the Balkans and in Afghanistan, and has brought much experience from these missions. Moreover, the golden griffin is internationally recognized as being a hallmark of competent and professional soldiers.

The emblem, showing an upright griffin ready strike with a sword, symbolizes the battalion's vigilance and willingness to fight. The griffin itself symbolizes courage, nobility and a whole slew of other things. The motto of the 2nd is; "In hoc signo vinces," roughly meaning; "In this sign you shall be victorious," referring to the griffin and its virtues. The motto is taken from Constantine I the Great, who saw a cross in the sky and heard the same words.

This is the emblem of B Company, one of two mechanized rifle companies within the battalion, and my own unit. The emblem shows a wolverine, which you without doubt know is one of the most ferocious animals there are. Wolverines are known for defending their prey from animals that are much bigger than it, and never back down from a fight. Hence the mottot; "Viker for ingen," which roughly translates to "Yield to none."


That'll be it for now. I'm sure I'll come up with something smart to say in a few days, but until then, you'll just have to live off of the scraps I give you.