fredag 25. desember 2009

Ehksmess at Noddy's

So yeah - yet another blog post initiated with "So yeah". It gets sort of repetitive, doesn't it? What if I start it with a completely random word? Okay, let's try.



Yeah, that worked like a charm, didn't it? Anyways, 'tis the season to be jolly and frolick in an overabundance of food and wrapping paper, and copious amounts of - believe it or not - snow. Holy Skateboardin' Raptor-Jesus! O.O

I'm pretty sure it hasn't snowed around Christmas Eve for the last three or four years. It's been somewhat frightening to be honest. But of course; when the snow finally arrives, it is accompanied by thunder and lightning. WTF? Who ever heard about thunder and lightning during winter? Well, these guys apparently. (Warning: Norwegian only.) Still, it's freakish and I'll have none of it thankyouverymuch.


The Christmassy time started for me with the annual Julbord of N.U.F., which despite its name is not a neonazi paramilitary group. It's a youth's group in my native region, I swear.

Not only was it lots of fun to see so many friends again, but I and three mates finally got to screen the movie we've been working with since early summer this year. The premiere of Askeladden 4 Ever was a great success, and I'll make sure to write more about it when the time comes to release it on DVD - and by "release" I mean burn as many as possible and hand them out. :-)


The day after, while still being sleepy, just having stepped out of the shower and not having eaten, I was Shanghaied off. You see, my neighbour and friend Nils had this sofa he was going to throw away. But then it snowed... and then he had some spare skis... and we happen to live near some pretty big fields... Obviously the only natural solution to all this was to place the skis underneath the sofa, and then put a wire between it and the car. Simply put, we were pulled around the snowclad fields in a cascade of snow. It was fun, but the true fun times only started when we came up with the idea of replacing the "enskied" sofa with a loose car hood upside-down. Suffice to say; It. Went. Fast.
Although I had to leave early to clear the driveway home of snow so that my mother could get out, I heard that none who were left remained unhurt. Poor bastards; they live on in our hearts. And wherever else they might be located.


Speaking of Nils, we two have a tradition of giving each other presents for Christmas despite not being closely related (we're second cousins). An important part of the tradition (to me at least) is to wrap it up in such a way as to confuse the receiver of what exactly he's getting.

This year I did it in a following way;

1. Get one or two DVDs.
2. Get a bag of chips.
3. Open the bottom of the chips bag.
4. Remove some of the chips (not all).
5. Insert DVDs.
6. Close opening with glue.
7. Enjoy the superfluous chips and the image of the receivers expression when they open their present only to find a bag of chips. And then their expression when they find two DVDs in their chips bag.

So yeah, I was pretty pleased.


On this very day though, it was Christmas Eve. It's only a few hours since I unwrapped such gifts as winter-shoes, t-shirts, socks, a toaster iron, a headband-light, and many other nice things. Thanks to all, I really liked what I got this year, no kidding. :) Also nice to know; my mom liked the scarf I bought her. Which is really the only gift I picked out myself this year.

But even more interesting was my first ever performance as Santa Claus himself. I had to leave the house and then walk up the road so that my two-and-a-half-year-old nephew could see Santa coming. I was pretty nervous; this would be the boy's first ever confrontation with a Santa, and it was my task to make it a pleasant experience. Thank God; he didn't cry. Man, he wasn't even shy. :-D Despite the fact that my mask looked like it came out from Isengard's orc-pits, the little boy was all smiles.

So that's a few extracts from my Yuletide so far. Feel free to comment and add stuff that's happened to you. I'm afraid that even after resetting my cookie cache, Blogspot won't let me comment my own blog posts, so you'll have to excuse my lack of responses.

A continued Merry Christmas to all!


Turns out my mate Nils only removed the wrapping paper to find the bag of chips... and didn't open it.
His reaction was basically;
"Uh... potato chips. Hmm, well, err... They ARE a good snack."

But I've told him to open it by now, so hopefully the world as we know it will not end. Hopefully.

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