onsdag 28. oktober 2009


And so, on the third day, our Lord and Linker came with more pointless links from the great Intrawebz. Oh, lo' and behold, there were randoms to see for all.

- Take a gander at the picture album of the Tourist of Death. Yeah, he's been around.

- Relationshapes. Enough said.

- Apparently, this guy has had it all figured out, and we are all just too stupid to realize it, I mean, he knows How to live forever. Seriously, why aren't we all going cucumber over his stuff?

Here's a hint, it rhymes with "dwindle", and a synonym rhymes with "spam". What the man is rhymes with "brass-goal".

My man Tourettes-Timmy will today remain silent, seeing as we need to fill our Political Correctness quota.

What do you mean I lost that when I made a gimmick out of a guy with Tourette's?!

tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

Random Linkage Week - Part 2

So, believe or not, but I'm back as I said I would be. Freaking sweet? Totally.

And boy do I have some randomities for you today;

- Internet translators and that crap ain't got nothing on our friends from the south-east Asian countries. An archive of hilarious examples of "Engrish".

- Police officers arrested for babysitting. You'd think they have more important issues to handle.

- Perpetual bubblewrap. Yeah, watch that sucker pop. POP I SAY!!!

And with the soothing sound of virtual bursting bubbles of plastic, I bid thee farewell, once again to the words of my poetic friend, Tourettes-Timmy;

The birds have fallen silFUCKFAGGOT!
'Tis the dyiCOCK! season.
Hopefully, next year will come around. ASSRIDER!

Beautiful. Well, that's all for today folks! See ya later!

mandag 26. oktober 2009

It's Random Linkage Week!

So, in order to... No, actually I have no thoughts behind this. I just wanted to see if I could make an update a day for a week, and I also wanted to share some bizarre links. Well, here you go;

- Some guy has made a list of his favorite things Lady Gaga has humped.

Sheesh, makes you feel bad for these things, doesn't it?

- Some ecologic garlic farmer stops high-speed internet. Oh, the beauty of local "democracy".

- Possibly the most Pointless Toy Ever. Also, Giant Ape Juice, apparently.

Well, that's all for today folks. Hopefuly you'll be able to tune in tomorrow and find new fresh random links.

So, in the immortal words of my good friend Tourettes-Timmy; Have a goo-FUCKFUCKIT, GODDAMNITSHIT- evening!

mandag 12. oktober 2009

Obama gets Peace Prize - I speculate on why

Now, as for the reasons for this happening; several people have commented that President Obama does not seem to have fulfilled many of his promises, nor has he been in the office long enough to really have been able to do something worthy of the Prize.

The esteemed committee is very aware of this. They do see, however, that the President has changed an international climate, and created a general feeling of optimism for several nations, despite obviously being a real-political leader whose interests are first and foremost those of the US and its people. The committee recognizes that emotions and general opinions will always be important catalysts to politics, and that this optimism - which perhaps is more palpable in many of the USA's former and present allies than in the US itself, is worth noting.

A second reason for this award is twofold and future-focused; it is at the same time a means of adding more political and ethical weight to Mr. Obama, and a a warning that the world community expects his promises to be fulfilled, and his visions to be pursued. The worst thing that can happen, is that the President completely reverts on his stands and wastes the trust given to him. This, the committee can live with. Yes, there is a risk, but it is a calculated risk, and one the committee is prepared to go with.

Many people have said though, why not give him the Prize later, when his many visions have been pursued and wholly or partly completed, when he has had the time to prove himself? This is a question asked by intelligent people, and it is not asked without reason. What one must understand however, is that the general mood the international society finds itself in nowadays, might very well not be there in, say, three years. Three years into the future, and we might very well find Mr. Obama in situations where the promises are impossible to fulfill, and the visions hard to pursue, where the mantraic "Hope" and "Change" has seeped into the ground causing little or no growth, so to speak.

Mr. Obama's time as a star is now, and to do its part in ensuring that it lives up to its potential, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has taken its chances and lent its heavyweight esteem. Hopefully, it will play out as positively as humanly possible.

Oh, and as for the "cuz hes black" argument... I'm choosing to stay above commenting on that.

torsdag 8. oktober 2009

Word-ban sends Homosexual to Olympics - Sorta

Okay, let's be honest, there are alot of Christian groups out there that aren't all too crazy about homosexuality. I'd even go as far as to say that they would rather they didn't exist. Although this doesn't go for all Christians, it is the former group that is by for most outspoken and thus most visible. However, rarely does this get as hilarious a result as what happened on the home page of The American Family Association. On its newspage "OneNewsNow.com", they have a inbuilt feature that changes the word "gay" to "homosexual" automatically.

Needless to say, when the sprinter Tyson Gay was covered on this page, hilarity ensued with passages along the lines of:
Tyson Homosexual was a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has.

His time of 9.68 seconds at the U.S. Olympic trials Sunday doesn't count as a world record, because it was run with the help of a too-strong tailwind. Here's what does matter: Homosexual qualified for his first Summer Games team and served notice he's certainly someone to watch in Beijing.

"It means a lot to me," the 25-year-old Homosexual said. "I'm glad my body could do it, because now I know I have it in me."

This also popped up:
Wearing a royal blue uniform with red and white diagonal stripes across the front, along with matching shoes, all in a tribute to 1936 Olympic star Jesse Owens, Homosexual dominated the competition.

My source article - this goes further indepth.